Small Elk Antler Overstock Sale 6 pack
Black Hills Antlers has an abundance of our small elk tines. This antler is a premium high quality elk but has various densities depending on what part of the antler it comes from. This 6 pack will be sold as a mix of densities. Elk is one of the most popular choices for an antler chew due to it being softer then deer and allows chewers of all sorts to make progress on the chew without it being too hard. I personally buy all my own antlers from local shed hunters. I cut all my own dog chews and sand all the sharp edges making it safe for your dog. Premium antlers have no odor and are a mess free chew so you are not cleaning up after your dog and antlers can be left out after use. Get enough chews for every room of your home. Antlers help to alleviate anxiety and aid in dental health. Always monitor your pet with the chew and dispose of it when it is small enough that it may become a choking hazard. You will not receive the antler in this image but one that fits within my sizing chart. Antlers vary in size, quality, shape and color. These antlers are for the purpose of being a dog chew. If you are seeking antlers for crafts, I have a custom order listing for those inquiries. Thank you for shopping with Black Hills Antlers.
Size and Quality Information
All antlers will vary in size and shape but will adhere to these basic standards. Some will be thicker and some thinner. Elk antlers can be long and skinny or short and fat. Multipacks include a mixture of the two.
Smalls 4-6” Best fo Small dogs
Medium 4-7” Best for Small - Medium sized dogs
Large 6-8” Best for Small-Medium Sized Dogs
XL 6-9” Best for Medium-Large Dogs
XXL 10-12”+ Best for Medium - Largest Dogs
Premium Antlers are of the highest quality and integrity. These are the longest lasting and best antlers you can buy.
Return and Refund Policy
I strive to please my customers. I hand cut, pick, sand and mail each of your orders. The product descriptions have been carefully written to ensure you know what product you are receiving. However if you are not happy with your product, please let me know as soon as possible and each situation will be handled individually.